[TMIC] Thanks to the list/understanding TM

2008-04-16 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, in our case, me missus went from TM to an MS dx in less than two years and that was over 10 years ago. As her caregiver, I can't feel her pain but as Sandy says, I can understand what she goes thru, and also sympathize and most of all, make sure that all, or most, of her needs are met.

Re: [TMIC] Terry's "Anniversary"

2008-03-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
Hey hey for the caregiver...! Me noes what it takes...;>) (Yep, lotsa tequila as well ;>);>). All is well here as well, as 'SheWhoMustBeObeyed' is on a steady course, after 374 Avonex injections (I shudder to think of the retail cost of all this ;>). Regards from Elvisland. Bobb

Re: [TMIC] Hello from Jude

2008-02-23 Thread bobby jim hijar
I'll second all that. Bobberino From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 5:45 PM Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hello from Jude OH JUDE! YOU ARE EVER THE DIPLOMAT! In all your current distress, you are, (as always), thinki

Re: OT Re: [TMIC] Obama

2008-02-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
Sal, Salaam Alechem.Unfortunately, many folks here have no idea what it is to be a Muslim, or Hindu or Buddhist, or Confucian. Or, in my case, an agnostic. The 'American Dream' was founded on now obsolete white folks' Christian beliefs, circa 1950, and all this influx of 'ferners' of darke

Re: [TMIC] Obama

2008-02-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
I've heard that a phone book has been used to take the oath. Me, being an agnostic, would do something similar, if I could. Thankfully, I haven't had to take an oath for many many years. Bobberino in Elvisland. From: Neil McNeil To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com

Re: Re: [TMIC] grocery delivery

2007-06-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
When we lived in San Francisco we used Peapod as we didn't own a car there -- didn't need one.We ordered on line, set the delivery date and waited for our goodies to arrive. Never had a problem with them. We paid by credit card. Check their web page to see if they operate in your city.

Re: [TMIC] constipation/diarrhea

2007-06-03 Thread bobby jim hijar
Do you eat any rice...??? I've noticed that when I have a large bowl of rice for supper, my bowels are firmer the next morning. Bobberino From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 12:18 PMSubject: [TMIC] constipation/diarrhea H

Re: [TMIC] Metamucil

2007-06-03 Thread bobby jim hijar
At one time, I used to eat the Metamucil crackers. I didn't think I could stand the liquid. Bobberino From: WestgoldTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 7:56 PMSubject: [TMIC] Metamucil Hi everybody --I'd like to put in a good word for goo

[TMIC] Re: Not a joke, just a question not related to TM

2007-06-03 Thread bobby jim hijar
What browser are you using..??? You can change the font on your screen; look under Tools then search for font size. Bobberino From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 10:17 AM Subject: [TMIC] OT OT...The "Big O" Not a joke, just a questi


2007-05-24 Thread bobby jim hijar
Re: [TMIC] OT OT: RANT WARNINGAnd here I thought that vehicles parked on one's private property were excluded from municipal harassment. As for removing the license plates, it shouldn't be done if the vehicle is on a public street, area, etc... whether insured or not, the cops should be a

Re: [TMIC] Re: Reason for TM

2007-05-23 Thread bobby jim hijar
Yep, you got it.. an idiot's path. tee hee... Bobberino From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: tmic-list@eskimo.com ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 3:16 PM Subject: [TMIC] Re: Reason for TM My TM, is it that goes as idiopathic (that means the idiots can't figure out

[TMIC] Re: Us old blind geezers

2007-05-17 Thread bobby jim hijar
What e-mailer are you using...?? I use Outlook Express and on the top line, under Format, go to Font, and pick the type and size you'd like to use. I use Tahoma 14. From: Regina Rummel To: bobby jim hijarSent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 11:04 AM Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: U

Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

2007-05-17 Thread bobby jim hijar
As I understand this stuff, TM doesn't progress into MS per se. What usually happens is that the 'victim' suffers a second exacerbation in a different CNS spot, changing the sclerosis from single to multiple. What organs are you talking about...??? The myelitis occurs only on the spine,

[TMIC] Re: Us old blind geezers

2007-05-16 Thread bobby jim hijar
You're dang right, mate.!! Size 14 should be the smallest font y'all should use;>) Really... Bobberino From: Alton Ryder To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:33 PM Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?/ Photos

Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

2007-05-16 Thread bobby jim hijar
Nope, not every one gets MS. And some never get TM. My neighbor two doors down went right into MS, no TM dx at all. So go figger. She's also on Avonex but the MS is affecting her vision and she's had two wrecks already driving to work. Yikes. Bobberino From: Louise Croyden

[TMIC] Da factx

2007-05-15 Thread bobby jim hijar
As long as there are conflicting opinions on what is TM, what is MS, what is a CNS affliction, what is anything as long as there is all that out there, there will be confusion, upset folks, unhappy sufferers, angry malcontents, et cetera. Hang in there, y'all.. we are all here

[TMIC] Re: from TM to MS to Arghhhh.!!!!!!!

2007-05-15 Thread bobby jim hijar
The prevailing knowledge is that indeed, TM will attack and then settle down and that MS attacks and attacks and attacks, ergo the name MULTIPLE sclerosis, TM being a SINGLE sclerosis event, and in progressive MS, those afflicted do indeed get worse over time. In remitting-relapsing MS, the p

[TMIC] Re: Physiognomies

2007-05-15 Thread bobby jim hijar
Neither do I.Must be an Apple exclusive, the pikkies, that is. Bobberino From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:50 AM Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Who's got what? No, I don't see any picture of you or even a header in

[TMIC] Re: Who's got what?

2007-05-14 Thread bobby jim hijar
Hey, Jude. all is cool OK??? MS and TM are intimately linked, unfortunately, as are all other CNS afflictions, down to the very last one. No exceptions. Anything having to do with our nervous systems IS connected. Very much so. It's all about the wiring. Got it?? Un

Re: [TMIC] TM and Chemical Sensitivity

2007-05-14 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, me missus (Da Boss) is also sensitive to laundry detergent residues, specially in the bedsheets.So that's why I rinse all our laundry loads TWICE.And it seems to help. I recommend y'all do the same: rinse twice. Bobberino From: Kevin WolfthalTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Tm

[TMIC] Re: Pain

2007-05-07 Thread bobby jim hijar
For the past few years I've had an increase in pain in almost all my joints as well as part of my lower back, around L-3. Dr Gott's column a few days ago mentioned that castor oil was good for such pain(s). Also, there is a new (to me) ointment called Castiva. I've been using it for over a we

Re: [TMIC] Another Symptom

2007-05-04 Thread bobby jim hijar
Don't they call this spasticity..? Bobberino From: Trudy To: 'Natalie Boyles' ; 'Alton Ryder' Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 1:07 PM Subject: RE: [TMIC] Another Symptom I too have had my arms flail away when I have fallen asl

Re: [TMIC] Another Symptom

2007-05-03 Thread bobby jim hijar
I've heard of restless leg syndrome, but not an arm one. Bobberino From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: tmic-list@eskimo.comSent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 8:20 AM Subject: [TMIC] Another Symptom Hello All, After five years with TM and no improvements or changes per se', I am having a new

[TMIC] This is how I handle e-mails

2007-04-30 Thread bobby jim hijar
First of all, I never automatically download anything. I don't care what it is. I first go to 'webmail' to see what's in my IN box, still at the server. I have several folders there, one for the accepted e-pals, one for the suspects and one for trash. Anybody who[m] I haven't approved beforeha


2007-04-17 Thread bobby jim hijar
Bob Cook: Before you disconnect Earthlink, read the e-mail I just sent you. Bobberino From: ROBERT COOK To: TMIC Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:04 AM Subject: [TMIC] OT - LEAVING I WILL BE UN SUBSCRIBING FOR A BOT. I AM CHANGING ISP'S TO ROADRUNNER. I HOPE TO BE BACK UP AND

Re: [TMIC] TMIC emails

2007-04-14 Thread bobby jim hijar
If your e-mails contain graphics, the TMIC filters might reject it. Check with Jim Lubin on that. Bobberino From: Larry Throne To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 13, 2007 10:28 PM Subject: [TMIC] TMIC emails Bob, Is it just me or is the email for the tmic

[TMIC] Re: Books and bookstores.

2007-03-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, I've had to order books at one of the 'better' local bookstores but it offen took weeks before I got the dang things. Not noe moe. I can order any book in the world (almost) including OPs (out of print books) either thru Amazon.comor abebooks.com and we all know how fast Am


2007-02-12 Thread bobby jim hijar
I don't trust eBay for nuthin. I get those kinda phony e-mails all the time. They go right into my 'spammers' folder on-line. Lately, I've been getting them from banks, banks I've never done business with, yet they claim I have an account there. Dipshits. All of them. I use 'message sou

Re: [TMIC] fine print and old eyes

2007-01-25 Thread bobby jim hijar
I use nothing smaller than font size 14 and I never use (plain)text-only format. I always use Rich (HTML) format. Much much easier on dem olde eyeballs. Am sure Apple has something similar. I urge everybody, an' ah doo mean everybody, to use size 14 as the minimum, y'hear.??

Re: [TMIC] questions re: tm

2007-01-25 Thread bobby jim hijar
Howdy from Bobberino in Elvisland. Your story sounds so similar to many of ours out here in cyberspace. And your questions are typical, but don't stop, keep them coming. Many of us as well have encountered skeptical relatives, friends and other do-gooders who really don't know a thing about TM

Re: [TMIC] TM question from Sally!

2007-01-23 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, I've been a caregiver to 'SheWhoMustBeObeyed' for almost ten years now, and there have been ups and down and spots inbetween. The best thing I find to relieve my stress is to lissen to my favorite music, no, not the bloody radio, but my hunnerds of recordings, accumulated over the years.

Re: [TMIC] 2007/TM

2007-01-17 Thread bobby jim hijar
Me missus came down with MS in early 1999 but we've stayed with this group all along. Wouldn't leave it fer nuthin'. Sharon Marsden runs a good MSers group. Check it out. We're 'members' there as well. Bobberino in Elvisland. From: Bob and Sue MattisTo: 'Trudy OGILVIE' ; TMIC-LIST@eskim

Re: [TMIC] slow

2007-01-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, we've been on this list since 97 September and haven't skipped a beat, or missed a step, or something like that .. ;>):>):>) Almost ten years, wow!!! True, there are lots more info out there, but I still think the ask-and-respond between e-pals works wonders. Regards from Elvi

Re: [TMIC] re: Stem Cells

2007-01-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, it's all because of oil, yes, oil.. not democracy, not freedom, but $$ OIL Bobberino, deep in redneck country, a.k.a. Elvisland From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Friday, Januar

[TMIC] Well, now; all be danged.

2007-01-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
It didn't take much to stir up da list into an ALIVE modedin'n it.. tee heee. (I should try that more offen ;>). As for those religionists who took offence at my heathenistic remarks, my regrets. And so be it. But, again, and I insist, in my not so humble opinion, a human life is a bei

Re: [TMIC] re: Stem Cells

2007-01-13 Thread bobby jim hijar
The only way those two very divergent issues are connected is because our beloved Prezzdent, in his podunk mentality, has decreed, to please them suthrn theosalopians, that stem cell research is evil, Satan originated and bad for our bowel movements. That GW has no conscience by 'escalating' thi

Re: [TMIC] Stem cells

2007-01-11 Thread bobby jim hijar
In my not so humble opinion re this stem cell controversy, the only problem comes from those whose religious beliefs prevent them from looking at medical advances right in the eye and taking advantage of them. So let those folks be. As for me, them crazy theosalopians will never stand in the wa

Re: [TMIC] No e-mail

2006-12-02 Thread bobby jim hijar
Must be them winter stormz ;>) Bobberino From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Saturday, December 02, 2006 6:39 AM Subject: Re: [TMIC] No e-mail Something has been wrong for a few days -- when I tried sending the birthday list out, I got a weird boun

Re: [TMIC] TM diagnosis

2006-11-02 Thread bobby jim hijar
 Well, in a sorta kinda way, I sort of kind of maybe perhaps agree with Tenser about TM and MS being the 'same' CNS disease.  After all, as I've read more than once, they're kissin' cuzzins; TM is a single sclerosis and MS is a multiple event.  The difference, it seems, is on the symptoms, t

Re: [TMIC] Be Careful When Exercising

2006-10-30 Thread bobby jim hijar
Indeed, I've read elsewhere that they precipitate cataracts.   Bobberino in Elvisland, having his second cataract operation in December, no, am not on steroids.. call it 'faulty eyeballs'. From: Butcher, Bernie [S&FS] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskim

Re: [TMIC] Rush Limbaugh/OT...or maybe not really OT

2006-10-27 Thread bobby jim hijar
Who da f(lip)  is Rush LimpBaugh..   ;>):>):>):>)   Do any of youse really lissen to this sorry sod.???   Bobberino From: Bob and Sue Mattis    To: 'TM list'    Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 1:58 PM Subject: [TMIC] Rush Limbaugh/OT...or maybe not really OT

[TMIC] Re: fonts and such

2006-10-17 Thread bobby jim hijar
Hey, forget about the shift button.   and forget about typing in all caps. Some of us can read lower case type better than all caps.   Am one of them.  So there.   Bobberino in Elvisland From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   To: tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 10:30 AM Su

Re: [TMIC] lifts for power wheelchairs

2006-10-15 Thread bobby jim hijar
Can the rear suspension of your Subaru handle the weight of the lift AND the chair..??? Check that out before you buy anything.   If the new combo is too heavy and you can't beef up the rear end of your Subaru, you might hafta get a bigger car or van.   Bobberino in a cool cloudy Elvisla

[TMIC] 9 October 2006

2006-10-09 Thread bobby jim hijar
Here's wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to all of you n.o.b.  (north of our border)   Regards,   Bobberino

Re: [TMIC] today's feat

2006-10-08 Thread bobby jim hijar
My wife's first attack was similar.   Her numbness started at her toes and slowly moved up to her waist and then it stopped.   She was never paralysed, however, was still able to walk tho a bit wobbly.   As the numbness diminished, she regained her mobility.   Bobberino in Elvisland. From

Re: [TMIC] today's feat

2006-10-07 Thread bobby jim hijar
Hey there,  there is absolutely nothing wrong with driving a van. I've been driving a 1991 Plymouth Grand Voyager for nine years now, and love it.  I can see above all kinds of lower smaller cars which is a godsend here in Memphis as most folks drive like they're total retards.  The biggeer

Re: [TMIC] Re: Brain stuff or not

2006-09-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
 Well, folks it's true.  A husband at the scene makes all the difference. At least that's been the case with me missus and more than once.  When she gets nowheres with a doc, she'll bring me along at the next appointment, and my mere presence makes the chauvinist doc change his tune

Re: [TMIC] Lesion at C5

2006-09-19 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, I suffer from very dry eyes as well, have been for years.  In fact, my left eye, the one wearing the contact lens, is so red all the time that some folks have asked me what was the problem.   Am trying a new solution:  Refresh Liquigel by Allergan.   They make several doses but I've go

[TMIC] Re: Brain stuff or not

2006-09-16 Thread bobby jim hijar
..???   Yikes.  It hit 32ºC earlier today down here.  Damn.!!   Bobberino in balmy Elvisland  From: Heather & Pieter    To: bobby jim hijar ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 12:52 AM Subject: Re:

[TMIC] Re: Brain stuff or not

2006-09-15 Thread bobby jim hijar
Well, yes, from what I've heard as well, brain lesions are a sure reason for an MS dx.   On the other hand, I was also told that once there is a second attack in a different part of the spine, the dx changes from single sclerosis (TM) to multiple (two or more) sclerosis. Ergo the change of dx

Re: [TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

2006-09-15 Thread bobby jim hijar
Yeah, am always poo-pooing AOL but you must be one of the few who over the years has learned how to use it to your benefit and overcome its shortcomings.   Maybe those other AOLers can ask you for pointers...???   My brother-in-law #2 had AOL and asked me for help but I couldn't do a thi

[TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

2006-09-15 Thread bobby jim hijar
is also Eudora, but that one I know nothing about.   Bobberino    From: Westgold    To: bobby jim hijar ; tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 8:40 PM  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Caps and craps hello all -- even if you cannot use rich text, which allows

[TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

2006-09-14 Thread bobby jim hijar
Not all e-mail systems allow the sender to control the size of the font.   I've read in more than one place that AOL is one of those weird and very proprietary e-mailers that give their subscribers limited choices.  For one, they can't use Outlook Express.   Yuck.!!!   EVERYBODY should u

[TMIC] Re: Caps and craps

2006-09-14 Thread bobby jim hijar
I have several e-pals writing to me in all lower case.   Once I got used to it  (the spacing seems to be different) it was OK.   Also, typing in text-only is harder to read than in HTML (or rich-text) format, but again, not all e-mailers offer that option.   How the yelling thingie got start

Re: [TMIC] no emails

2006-09-09 Thread bobby jim hijar
I've received at least 23 messages since Thursday.  I may have trashed others but I can't remember now..;>)   Bobberino  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: tmic-list@eskimo.com Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 9:00 AM Subject: [TMIC] no emails Hi, Somehow I got unsu

[TMIC] Re: am i getting worse?

2006-09-07 Thread bobby jim hijar
Oh yes, we're all getting worse, brain-wise, TM/MS or not.   And you're not alone, not by far. Over here, I hafta retrace my steps several times a day trying to remember what it was I was going to do next.  The same for me missus.   We also hafta write everything down, or else.. it's


2006-09-02 Thread bobby jim hijar
I propose the   'braised braine brother(sister)hood'.   Me missus was dx'd with MS in 99 February, went on Avonex right away and today, 323 shots later, you couldn't tell she's a gimp.  Go for it, Jeff.  Get on the ABC plan. Sharon Marsden hosts a very good MSers club.  Check it out.   Bobbe

[TMIC] from a nuther e-pal

2006-08-31 Thread bobby jim hijar
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Fw: CAUSES OF TM --CHECK OUT THE RED HIGHLITES It seems that Victoria's interpretation of "fungal" infection and the TM causes interpretation of "fungal" infection are different.  Please read the links below:   http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/health_problems/skin/fungus.ht


2006-08-10 Thread bobby jim hijar
Have you tried squatting...  Of course, you'll hafta deposit your stuff on a shallow pan or newspapers.   In the very old dayze, women used to give birth by squatting... there must've been a good reason why they did it that way.   Bobberino    From: ROBERT COOK    To: TMIC-

Re: [TMIC] Chemicals and TM

2006-08-10 Thread bobby jim hijar
Here in Elvisland (Memphis) as almost everywhere else cockroaches are everywhere. We have the perimeter of our house treated once a month, sometimes with a liquid spray, sometimes with small pellets.   I sometimes see them dang roaches scampering about the back yard but they can't get past t

Re: [TMIC] Chemicals and TM

2006-08-09 Thread bobby jim hijar
I agree.    Do the bomb.   The effects from the fumes do a good job in killing them nasties and then they dissipate in just a few hours, the fumes, that izz.   Go for it.   Some years back we did bombs for fleas as nothing else would get rid of them.  We'd leave the house for a few hours