Autoimmune brain inflammation studied  

SAN FRANCISCO, -- U.S. scientists say a key factor in  
development of brain inflammation may provide a new  
target for inflammatory diseases of the central nervous  
system. In separate studies, Nico Ghilardi of Genentech  
Inc. in San Francisco and Christopher Hunter of the  
University of Pennsylvania studied different mouse models  
of brain inflammation that resemble human diseases, such  
as multiple sclerosis. Both studies show brain inflammation  
is worse in mice that cannot respond to interleukin 27, a  
factor that communicates messages to immune cells. Such  
increased brain inflammation is associated with an influx  
of T cells that produce a molecule known to promote inflam-  
mation -- interleukin 17 -- into the brain. The researchers  
found treatment of T cells with interleukin 27 blocks the  
development of cells that produce interleukin 17. Therefore,  
the scientists posit preventing harmful interleukin 17-  
producing cells from developing, interleukin 27 could  
represent a potential therapeutic target for treating auto-  
immune diseases. The study appears in the journal Nature  

Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape
For the Shape I am in~

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