The comedic songwriter's name is Tom Lehrer, I wondered if you were familiar with him when I saw the numbers in your name. Here's the quote from "an evening wasted with Tom Lehrer"

"I am reminded at this point of a fellow I used to know whose name was Henry, only to give you an idea of what a individualist he was, he spelled it H-E-N-3-R-Y. The three was silent, you see.

Henry was financially independent, having inherited his father's tar-and-feather business, and was therefore able to devote his full time to such intellectual pursuits as writing. I particularly remember a heartwarming novel of his about a young necrophiliac who finally achieved his boyhood ambition by becoming coroner. ... (scattered laughter) The rest of you can look it up when you get home.

In addition to writing, he indulged in a good deal of philosophizing. Like so many contemporary philosophers, he especially enjoyed giving helpful advice to people who were happier than he was. And one particular bit of advice which I recall - which is the reason I bring up this whole dreary story - is something he said once, before they took him away to the Massachusetts State Home for the Bewildered.

He said: "Life is like a sewer - what you get out of it depends on what you put into it." It's always seemed to me that this is precisely the sort of dynamic, positive thinking that we so desperately need today in these trying time of crisis and universal brouhaha. And so with this in mind, I have here a modern, positive, dynamic, uplifting song, in the tradition of the great old revival hymns. This one might more accurately be termed a survival hymn. It goes like this...."

and then he launches into the song :"We will all go together when we go"

Enjoy the memory!
On Jul 11, 2007, at 8:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Whatever it just don't make sence putting a number in a name.


Long ago I listened to a record by Tom Lair (SP?). He sang a song made up of all the elements known at that time- long ago, in the 1950's- he also talked about a friend, Hen3ry, the 3 was silent. HaHaHa, I would laugh.

When I was old enough, I started putting numbers into my name. HaHaHa, people would laugh.

Years later, Mr. Gore and his buddies invented the internet, and passwords were born. Words with imbedded numbers were the ultimate passwords.

So now you know how the "3" was born!


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