Hi All,
It's Jude,  I want you to know that once  again I found some of your mail, 
this time from Tima and Janice, in my spam  mail.  It drives me crazy that I 
might be missing mail, but I check my spam  mail every time I read mail.  I 
just wanted those of you who have AOL to  know that you might be missing 
mail if you're not checking your spam  folders.
And, people have been having a hard time getting  mail through to Rob in 
New Jersey.  If you have his address, send him a  short note just to see if it 
gets to him and if it doesn't send me a quick note  so I can figure out how 
to contact AOL.  I don't have a paid account with  them anymore though, so 
I can't call them.  If anyone else does have a paid  account I wish you 
would take on the responsibility of calling them.  It  would take a lot off of 
my shoulders.
Thank you all so very much,

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