Hi Rob ~
   I'm happy  that you haven't had a problem with the flu vaccine.  
Unfortunately I  haven't been as lucky.  Ten years ago the flu vaccine caused 
my immune 
 system to go into orbit and attack my spine..... paralyzing me from between 
my  shoulder blades to my toes.  Hello TM.
   For the past  ten years I have taken the Vitamin D along with four other 
family  members.....and none of us have had the flu since.  It really  works 
and I'm glad you are going to take it along with us.   :-)
   Hugs,   Lynn
I have been taking the  flu vaccine every year for the past 9 years and I 
have never had a problem, nor  have I had a case of the flu. I do understand 
the flu does mutate, however  even using an older version of the vaccine is 
better than nothing at all....that  being said I will still get the 
vaccine...but I will try taking Vitamin D3 as  well.
Rob in New  Jersey

Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 1:20 PM
To:  tmic-list@eskimo.com

Hi Everyone ~
   When I was writing to Linda this morning about her sinuses it  reminded me 
of something that I want to let you all know......
   Most people think they get sick with colds and flu in the  winter because 
of the cold weather.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
   The reason people get sick more often in the winter is because  they don't 
get the usual 15-30 minutes of sunshine a day, (without  sunscreen...!),  
that our bodies need to produce the Vitamin D we need to  avoid getting sick.
   The solution......take a vitamin D3 tablet every day from Fall  into late 
everyone around you will be dropping down sick and you should be just  fine.  
At the very least, if you do get sick , you won't be as sick as everyone  
   The reason I said to skip that vaccine is quite simple.   It DOESN'T WORK.
The formula they have made this year for the flu vaccine was made from the  
flu strain that went around last year.  Flu germs mutate every year.   
So....... since this years flu strain has mutated.....what good does it do to  
get a 
vaccine to protect you from last years flu strain....??
Doesn't make sense when you think about it now does it...?
   Okay.....take your Vitamin D3 and call me in the  morning.  :-)
   Hugs,  Lynn

**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, 
plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.      

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