Leila, ( I love your name)!
I asked Terry what he feels has made him take all these steps recently and  
he can't really pinpoint one thing.  His muscles definitely atrophied, but  he 
has begun to rebuild them a bit.  He had GREAT LEGS!  He doesn't do  PT accept 
in the summer in a pool.  He can completely walk in a pool.   He has this 
buoyant waist belt that assists him so he can go the distance.  
I feel some of the reason he was able to take these steps is that he is  
always in and out of his wheelchair, he stands a lot cooking and gardening 
the wheelchair for balance if needed.   I also think if he didn't have  
shoulder issues, he would have been able to use a walker or crutches much 
sooner  or 
more often.   His arms became his legs and now his shoulders are  shot thanks 
to osteonecrosis (prednisone induced).  One shoulder  replacement and 1 other 
surgery on each shoulder.  His other shoulder needs  to be replaced.
I'm wondering why you don't have a firm DX??  The gradual  deterioration 
sounds more like MS to me.  I am no doctor, tho.    Have they done a brain MRI? 
I'm so sorry for your decline.   As  everyone says here, keep up the PT!!  And 
we need to continue to push for  stem cell research!

Dear  Sandy,  

Thank you so much for telling about Terry walking. This is a beautiful  

If you have time, please tell me how you kept his muscles from getting  
atrophied all those years. Any special exercises?

I have TM or possibly MS, not sure, since five years, gradual  deterioration, 
now in wheelchair, unable to stand since two years. I am not  paralyzed 
though. I do exercises daily with legs and arms. I am using an  electronic lift 
transfers and I have a caregiver day and night. I wish to  know what to do to 
start walking again. I believe it is possible. Your letter  gives me renewed 

I would love to know what Terry did to start walking, something that  would 
help others. 

Please write!

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