There are so many people who have written in about the  possibility of stress 
being a cause of their TM, and I can add my own case  to that list as well.  
I had been in the process of changing positions  and locations at work, same 
boss, although she got a very large promotion.   Things were very stressful.  
There was a lot that I needed to learn and I  also had to help her with so much 
more of her duties that were changing.   It was very exciting, yet grueling.  
Actually, after the first day of the  new job I went home, later went to bed, 
rolled over to kiss my husband  good-night, and the pain in my back started.  
Within 15 minutes, I couldn't  stand.  Paralyzed from the waist down at that 
time, yet walking wounded  today.
However, we must keep in mind that it is as important, if not  more 
important, to remember how our bodies react to stress once we have  TM.  From 
emails for 8 years now, I don't ever remember reading one  message stating that 
they are not affected at all by stress.  It can really  make big problems for 
us.  It certainly weakens me.  
Hugs to all, Barbara A

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