Hi All,
I am using JDK1.3, IIS-4, Tomcat 3.1 and XSQL servlet(from oracle network for simplified sql-xml-xsl transformation) on win NT server 4.
This servlet parses the xsql file and outputs html format.
    I have also configured the Tomcat-IIS through ISAPI-redirector (downloaded from jakarta.apache.org).
Now I am using a redirector component in java (using servletContext) to redirect the browser from one xsql page to another.
The component clears the ServletResponse Buffer and the redirects to required URL.
// ********************************* Code snap **********************
   HttpServletResponse res = request.getHttpServletResponse();
Folowing commands
  if(!res.isCommitted())     // Checks if the header contents are already written or not
   res.reset();                 // remove the buffer containts if header is not written
   reportError(rootNode,"Already commited");
try {
     res.sendRedirect(strRedirectURL);        // redirect to required URL
   }catch (Exception lEx) {
// *********************************
    This works fine when I view pages which are got redirected from above component on tomcat- IE-5/Netscape 4.7(NS) when accesed tomcat direcly through 8080 port and also works fine when the same page is viewed in Netscape through IIS (through default port 80) .
    But I am getting the extra header data on browser (on top) in IE when view the same pages through IIS. This is the problem occuring only on IE - IIS - Tomcat configuration. The extra data may contains header information and some HTML data also.
*** does anybody haves any solution or any idea why is so happening.
Please kindly reply if you have any soltion or suggetion.
Yogesh Shah

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