why is it proving hard for me beta test with 
Youknow, iam huge advocate of getting traffic via our affiliate
program, and afterseeing what Marlon Sanders , Yanik Silver and my
other friends are doing : i thought to should have put up a test

our main concern is about the mind power among atraffic ,
visitors,leads, and mails sent .

if The vistors denoted in my sample space are 1lead of 10 mails sent ,
while the traffic is unlimted/universal resource. And of $x per lead,
depening on the subsription fees.

In our day today e-business, while testing a product to the 11760
segmented  e-mail adresses, projected for being accessed per month as
may be presented :

traffic(universal resource) : leads : mails sent
                  projected mails sent : projected leads
You shouldnt be skeptik . apay perlead ($x)/subscription/service is is
being  represented as a question about the project returns to the
economy in terms of job creation and society welfare as a biggest
fruit to reep in the parspective of the the amulgamated market place ,
the internet marketing in subject.

There are probably few people who know ant thing about how resourceful
the internet is ,and  or have heard bout the chemistry that the minds'
results when blended in a spirit of perfect harmony can produce
another superhuman power to bread the vibration of thought.

And the entire e-busines/ enteprenuorship would blosom like an amoeba
if we applied the principle.thus the test wheather we will have every
thing for our test and wheather the goals of affilliatehip/
enterprenuorship/enterprise online is worth while .

Use me fish the best few associates  than a mob which is wrong because
the right is always the winner. I can mentor, coppy writting, ican
advertise, Market and more.

Support me please .


Samuel Jjingo +256772492280

On Jul 17, 6:34 pm, lukeMV <l...@lukemv.com> wrote:
> I have a few questions:
> I am using API to publish my search query onto a web page. Because the
> web site is a public site, I don't want profanity. I found that I can
> eliminate certain words with the "-"... but I also found that my API
> stops working if I have too many queries... is there a simple query
> that will block variations of a word. For example:
> -duck (I want to block "duck")
> is there something I can type (for example -{duck}) that blocks:
> ducker, ducking, duckeroo, unduckingbelieveable etc?
> Thanks!!!!

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