Letter to the Editor Daily Nation-Nairobi-Kenya 
Monday, December 2, 2002 

Close the US and Israeli embassies

Terror attacks in Kenya started in 1981 when the Norfolk Hotel was bombed. Precious lives were lost. But the attackers targeted Jews who owned the hotel. They did not care whether they killed Kenyans.

Then the terrorists attacked again in 1998. They were targeting the US Embassy and the Americans in the building - not Kenyans.

Now they have struck again. The target was a hotel owned by an Israeli, and an Israeli airliner. They just wanted to kill Jews. But again it is Kenyans who bore the brunt. So the issue is clear. I don't know why it is hard for our Government to understand that simple logic. It would be very difficult for Israelis or Americans to die for Kenyans. Why do Kenyans have to die for them? 

The American and Israeli embassies and other areas of interest should be closed immediately. The terrorists have learnt our weaknesses, which is why they can access anywhere they wish. We are a corrupt nation and the lure of money is causing a great deal of harm to our country.


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