Thanks Semih, I will give a try

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 5, 2014, at 11:38 AM, Eugene Koontz <> wrote:
> Interesting; thanks Semih! I will try Graft out over the weekend.
>> On Jun 4, 2014, at 11:00 AM, Semih Salihoglu <> wrote:
>> Hi Giraph Users,
>> I wanted to introduce to you Graft, a project that some of us at Stanford 
>> have built over the last quarter. If you are a Giraph user, who ran into an 
>> annoying bug in which the code was throwing an exception or resulting in 
>> incorrect looking messages or vertex values (e.g. NaNs or 
>> NullPointerExceptions) and you had put in println statements into your 
>> compute() functions, and then inspect logs of Hadoop workers for debugging 
>> purposes, you should read on. You might find Graft very useful.
>> In a nutshell, Graft is based on the idea of capturing the contexts under 
>> which a bug becomes noticeable (an exception is thrown or an incorrect 
>> message is sent, or a vertex is assigned an incorrect value) 
>> programmatically. The captured contexts can then be visualized through a 
>> GUI. The contexts that a user thinks could be helpful for catching the bug 
>> can then be reproduced in a compilable program and the user can then use 
>> his/her favorite IDE's debugger to do step-by-step debugging into the 
>> context. For example, when a vertex v throws an exception, the user can 
>> reproduce the context under which v throws the exception and then use (say) 
>> Eclipse to do step-by-step debugging to see exactly what lines were executed 
>> that resulted in the exception being thrown.
>> On the testing side, Graft makes it easier to generate unit and end-to-end 
>> tests by letting users curate small graphs through its GUI's testing mode, 
>> and then generates code snippets which can be copied and pasted into a JUnit 
>> test. 
>> The project is still under development but interested users can start using 
>> it. We have a wiki with documentation and instructions on how to install and 
>> use Graft: Since the project 
>> is under development, we'd highly appreciate users to start using it and 
>> giving us direction on how to make it more useful. Our emails are on the 
>> documentation page. We also encourage interested developers to contribute to 
>> it if there are requested features that we don't get to very quickly. 
>> Just a small note: Graft works for the Giraph at trunk: 
>> We do not support earlier 
>> version. In particular your programs need to be written by extending 
>> Computation and optionally the Master class, instead of the older Vertex 
>> class.
>> Best,
>> semih

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