Can you provide any dump file:
Just like threaddump or heapdump?

Personal Email

发件人: Franco Ng <> 
发送时间: 2019年5月2日 9:51
主题: ActiveMQ cannot handle too many topic with redeliveryPlugin

Our market data would publish over 20,000 msg/s within 30,000 topics, 
redeliveryPlugin and socketBufferSize, however, ActiveMQ seems unable to handle 
this volume that CPU usage % is 50% and cannot publish any message to
subscriber(s) after certain starting time.  Even, I stop the market data 
publishing, the CPU usage of ActiveMQ broker is still eat up 50%, cannot drop 
for a long time and NO error/warning log recorded in activemq.log.

When I remove redeliveryPlugin and socketBufferSize from Broker (activemq.xml), 
it resume normal.

Please help to solve.  Also, how to show redelivery message in log when occur, 

Activemq.xml (part)

<redeliveryPlugin fallbackToDeadLetter="true"
<redeliveryPolicy useCollisionAvoidance="true" maximumRedeliveries="1"
initialRedeliveryDelay="1000" redeliveryDelay="1000"/> </defaultEntry> 
</redeliveryPolicyMap> </redeliveryPolicyMap> </redeliveryPlugin>


<transportConnector name="openwire"

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