Emergint has been using ActiveMQ for a number of years now in our health care 
consulting efforts.  We have been greatly pleased with its stability and 
performance, particularly version 4.1.2.  We are planning to move some 
capabilities from a locally-hosted environment to "the cloud" where we need 
some additional data transport protection beyond what we have currently 
employed.  We are testing the SSL transport with "needClientAuth=true" and an 
associated trust store on each end of the allowed connection points; we need to 
insure that only trusted clients will have access to the queues.  So far, we 
are unable to break the desired protection scheme - only trusted clients are 
able to produce or consume messages to the AMQ broker.  We are utilizing the 
configuration steps specified here, 
http://activemq.apache.org/how-do-i-use-ssl.html , and we are not using any 
custom plug-ins in the broker associated with the SSL transport.

We have configured a broker on a public address in our DMZ for additional 
testing. If anyone is willing and able, please attempt to post messages to any 
queue or pull the remaining text message (generated by the example producer 
client) from queue FOO.BAR from the following URL:


All attempts to produce or consume data should fail; if anyone is able to 
succeed, please boast accordingly - I will also be monitoring the log file 
daily.  I will be glad to post testing results or additional configuration 
items that members may desire in order to assist others who may need this sort 
of configuration.  Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Timothy W. Ellis, M.S.
Sr Systems Architect / Software Engineering Mgr
Louisville , KY 40202

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