I'm looking at the documentation for storing encrypted passwords in config
files (http://activemq.apache.org/encrypted-passwords.html) and need to work
around some… uh… questionable choices in the way it is implemented by
default. Some of this may just be my misunderstanding how it works (I hope
so!), so I thought I'd ask for some advice here first before doing custom

First, I'll just mention a scary error in the docs. At the end, mention is
made of using an environment variable so that "your encryptor secret is
never saved on your system and your encrypted passwords are safely stored in
the configuration files", but if you follow the example they give, this is
not true. That export command, with its plaintext password, would be written
to your history file. If you imbedded that export into a script, you
shouldn't have that problem.

The same problem also exists with the "bin/activemq encrypt" command, but is
actually even worse. Though this command is quick, the run time is long
enough that anyone can capture the plaintext password in a process list
using "ps aux | grep password". The preferred solution to this problem (see,
for example, how MySql dealt with it) is not to put the --input parameter on
the command line, but rather ask the user for it at run time. The workaround
is to find an alternative to the encrypt command, which, I think, turns out
to be necessary anyway.

Which brings me to my questions. The encryption algorithm used in the
example (PBEWithMD5AndDES) is terrible, so I want to use a different
algorithm. As the example indicates, there is a nice place in the config
where you can change this, I've run into a couple problems with this.

1) You can point activemq to your altered config file at launch time by
using xbean:conf/myconfig.xml; however, it doesn't seem you can do this with
the encrypt command. It seems to ignore the xbean: parameter entirely.
Looking at the code of that command, it seems like it is essentially
hard-coded to use the PBEWithMD5AndDES algorithm. Is this true? If not, how
do you get this command to use a different algorithm?

2) The example code uses
org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.config.EnvironmentStringPBEConfig to set the
algorithm. If you look at the jasypt FAQ, it says "Jasypt by itself does not
implement any algorithms, but it lets you use any JCE provider of your
choice". As far as I can tell, by default, ActiveMQ relies on the standard
JDK to provide the algorithms. That would mean the choices of algorithms are
limited to "PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40", "PBEWithMD5AndDES" and
"PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES". All those options are terrible. (These days, a
typical high end video card can crack DES in minutes.) So, is it true that
the algorithms come from the JDK by default? Is it true that these are the
only algorithms supported?

3) The org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.config.EnvironmentStringPBEConfig object
supports a random salt option by adding:

  <property name="saltGeneratorClassName"

Has anyone had any success in getting this to work?

4) Assuming my conclusions in #2 are correct, it would seem that a good fix
would be to supply a different JCE provider (maybe jBCrypt or PBKDF2) using
Spring injection. Has anyone done this? If so, can you supply the magic
config entries?

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