Hello all,

I am a novice ActiveMQ user, and I hope that ActiveMQ community will can
helps/advices me.

In fact I would like to know if ActiveMQ is appropriate for large files
transfer, and if there are some limitations ?

1. What is the most appropriate protocol for large file transfer?
I would like to know if the following protocols choices are appropriate for
large file transfers (may be I haven’t the choice):
     Platform              |Client Language          |Protocol          
     Win32/64         |C#                        |OpenWire      
     Win32/64         |Java                      |OpenWire       |J2EE - JMS
     Win32/64         |Delphi                    |Stomp          
     WinCE - CF 2.0 |C#                        |Stomp          

2. Whats is the most appropriate message type ?
There is the best message type to use for "Large File Transfer":
  - IBytesMessage
  - IStreamMessage 
  - Other ? it depends the client language used ?

3. There are some constraints ?
There is some constraints for "Large File Transfer" like:
 - Message Size
 - Number of large message in a Queue/Topic ?
 - Memory / CPU consomation 

4. ActiveMQ memory, how it works ?
I did some tests with large files, the memory used by "Java" process
increased on each message. I waited a couple of minutes, but the memory used
didn't decreased. May be I misse something ? Something to change in the
configuration file ? Some tuning to do ?

If you have other comments/adviced/best practices about "Large Message
Transfer" don't hesitate.

Thank you,

Thierry M.                      

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