On 07.01.20 04:23, @lbutlr wrote:


> FSVO of “work” that include potentialy allowing access to every single file 
> in every singe directory on your system, sure.
ah I did not get that, I assumed this would be the root of the
DocumentRoot. Thanks for clarifying that.

> <Directory "/home/*/html">
>     AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes
>     Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
>     Require method GET POST OPTIONS
> </Directory>
> To allow local users to put web stuff in $HOME/html/ for example.

ah nice I can use wildcards as well. I now used the new macro feature of
2.4 to make the config more readable, that is very nice and useful.

Thanks for the clarification, I now added an appropriate Directory block
to every vhost via the macro.



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