
I am trying to understand how can I setup a Apache httpd instance with
proxy functionality addition to an integration of a Application Server.

I am looking for is that Proxy should be able to forward the HTTP Requests
and Response messages coming from client to this Application Server. At the
same time, any HTTP Responses coming from Origin server should also be able
to route to Application Server if any processing is required. The network
diagram looks like below.

| Orig |
 | Server|
  |  |
  |  |
 +-------+ +-------+
|Proxy |------>|App |
 |Server |<------|Server |
 +-------+ +-------+
  |  |
  |  |
 |Client |
| |

Technically speaking, I can as well implement the App Server logic in the
httpd as another module, but I do not want to do that. I want to leverage
the flexibility of Java, and this App Server is essentially is a Tomcat

What I learned so far is we can use mod_proxy, mod_jk, mod_proxy_ajp etc.
However, these combinations are either providing the functionality of a
load balancer or reverse proxy functionality.

As stated above, my requirement is to intercept both the HTTP traffic path,
and have them processed by App Server via Proxy. Can you please provide me
the solution options for this requirement?

Please also point me to any references/tutorials/how-to guides if available.


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