Re: [users@httpd] Re: Server won't direct to Internal IP address

2023-01-06 Thread Larry Irwin (work)
Why not set up a secure shell tunnel from the device you're using when outside the LAN into the RasPi and tunnel to on whatever port you need. Then connect to{tunnel_port} on the device. I do this with PuTTY all the time so I can use a single port forward and have publi

Re: [users@httpd] Expose my server to internet

2020-01-14 Thread Larry Irwin (work)
nmap shows all ports as filtered: # nmap -Pn Starting Nmap 7.01 ( ) at 2020-01-14 15:17 EST Nmap scan report for ( Host is up. rDNS record for All 1000 scanned ports on padm

Re: [users@httpd] Where is a good SSL/TLS

2013-05-21 Thread Larry Irwin (work)
Hi All, I compile it on all kinds of kernel levels and the most irritating part is a round-robin issue with zlib-1.2.3 and zlib-1.2.5 and other base packages that require zlib... To handle zlib, sometimes it can be scripted, But sometimes it must be run line-by-line at a bash prompt... This

[users@httpd] Setting up mod_ftp

2012-11-14 Thread Larry Irwin (Work/IMAP)
Hi everyone, I am trying, initially, to set up an anonymously accessed, blind incoming folder using ssl-based ftp. I've downloaded and compiled ftp_mod, configured it and have it working as expected within the local network, but am having issues getting the settings correct for internet access