<div style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px;">Hello 
apache fellows,‌<br>
I have set up an apache server on a raspbian unit but I am not that clever on 
network apart basic configuration, port forwarding and authentication process. 
I got letsencrypt certification so that to enable https access.<br>
I wanted to put some big files on another raspbian machine on the same lan and 
wanted to access it on the same domain, say toto.org via 
The main server has ip adress, the secondary is 
wanted all traffic to be dealt with by primary server except all incoming 
request on toto.org/server2/.<br>
I have understood that some apache directives allowed to do that especially 
Rerwrite one. I tried the following code :<br>
RewriteEngine on<br>
RewriteRule ^/server2$ http://toto.org/server2/ [R] [L]<br>
RewriteRule ^/server2/(.*)$1 [P]<br>
and I wrapped that in a &lt;VirtualHost&gt; tag as I thought I should.<br>
But my apache server doesn't want to start anymore with that clause. Could you 
show me exemples of apache configuration doing something similar like 
redirecting a part of traffic toward a secondary server? Could Redirect 
directive be more appropriate? Thank you for any clue.<br>

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