I’m configuring a reverse proxy in stages. Initially, I just wanted to see if 
the proxying would work, so In a virtual server, I set up a Proxy 
balancer://webfarm with a couple BalancerMembers inside and an lbmethod of 
byrequests. Then I used a:

ProxyPass / balancer://webfarm

to make sure I could get to the content on the back end server and it all 
worked fine. If a file was accessible on the back-end, I would get it back.

Then, to lock things down further, I removed the prefix-based ProxyPass line 
and replaced it with a series of:

ProxyPassMatch "^/pagename$" balancer://webfarm/pagename.php

lines for each page followed by a:

ProxyPass / !

to send everything not explicitly allowed a 404. This all works fine.

Checking my logs I saw favicon.ico was getting sent 404s on the proxy server, 
so I added a line to my config with the other allowed elements:

ProxyPassMatch "^/favicon.ico$" balancer://webfarm/favicon.ico

but after restarting Apache, I still get 404s. Thinking there may be something 
trailing or following that I can’t see, I tried:

ProxyPassMatch "favicon.ico" balancer://webfarm/favicon.ico

restarted and still 404s. The only way I can make it work is with

ProxyPass /favicon.ico balancer://webfarm/favicon.ico

which, while not the end of the world, is inconsistent with my overall lockdown 
strategy so I’m wondering if anyone can tell me where I went wrong. I haven’t 
gotten to the allow-list for my images yet, but I’m worried I’m going to have 
the same problem with them.

Also, I know the ProxyPassMatch line is definitely matching for favicon.ico 
because even if I put the ProxyPass / that passes everything to the back-end 
server back into the config, if it’s below the ProxyPassMatch line for 
favicon.ico I still get a 404.



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