Hi Guys,

My configuration is Apache/2.2.23 on CentOS x86_64, running Subversion
server. Recently I installed SSL certificates and I want to redirect all
request comming to http://myhostname.domain.com/svn/reponame to be
redirected to https://myhostname.domain.com/svn/reponame automatically.
This configuration is applicable to whole server, I'm not using VirtualHost
in my httpd.conf, I have following rule in my httpd.conf but it does not

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

Call to https://myhostname.domain.com/svn/reponame directly works fine.
I tried several permutation and combinations but it does not work, looks
like i'm missing something obivious..

Any help on this is appreciated.


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