This is a FAQ: this question has been answered before.


Please search the mailing list archives and check the Apache FAQ to be
sure it applies to your version of Apache. You did not specify your
version of Apache, but the short answer is yes, Apache relies on the
operating system for date/time information.




Mark Lavi, Enterprise Web Management Team @ SGI
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] || phone:+1-650-933-7707

From: Roberta Clark-Chabluk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 1:00 PM
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Daylight Savings Time change



We are running Apache on Redhat Linux ES 3.0 and will be updating Linux
to comply with the new daylight savings time changes for 2007 starting
in March.  Does anyone know if there are any changes that need to happen
for Apache or does it just rely on the OS time? thanks.

Roberta Clark-Chabluk 
Unix Administrator 
New Flyer Industries Canada ULC 
PH 204-224-6459 


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