Hello Dan,

Could please point me in the right direction here wrt string parameter parsing 
in Isis.

The parameter was sent from my angularjs controller client as follows:

var stopLocationCode= { locationGroupCode : JSON.stringify('09') };

StopsFactory.query(stopLocationCode, function(data) {

//  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


My Isis service method definition is:


    @Named("Get Locations")


    public final List<Location> fetchMatchingGroupLocations(@Named("Location 
Group Code") final String alternativeGroupCode) {

                  List<Location> locationsList = 

              return locationsList;


After debugging, I found out that the alternativeGroupCode was printed out as 
"09" in the action method i.e. the stringify added the double quotes.

Do, I need a JSON Parser to convert the "09" to a normal POJO string 09?

I expected the string not to require any processing in the action i.e. trimming 
the quotes.

Remember the issue I had with passing nested object. But, this is a get method 
as against a create/put operation.


Sending the param without stringify does not work :

var stopLocationCode= { locationGroupCode : '09' };


var stopLocationCode= { locationGroupCode : "09") };

Resulted in this error:

{"locationGroupCode":{"value":1,"invalidReason":"Failed to parse representation 
as value of type 'String'"},"x-ro-invalidReason":"Location Group Code is 

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