I have two projects, A and B.  Project A depends on project B, so I set
eclipse.dependency to true like this inside project.xml for project A:


When I load up both projects in Eclipse and run "Build All" everything seems
to build just fine.  However, when I attempt to run, I get this:

ServiceProperties: MissingResourceException - Can't find bundle for base
name resources.properties.Services, locale en_US
Unable to get server reference: null

The bundle in question lies within project B.  If I leave out
eclipse.dependency, then the project B JAR will show up as a build path
library but it doesn't show up as a project dependency in Eclipse.  So what
I've had to do is just leave in eclipse.dependency and then manually add the
JAR to the build path.  Is there a way (perhaps another property to set) to
have the project dependency and the library both show up?

Yoway Buorn
Software Engineer
Imagery Systems Engineering

Advanced Information Systems

112 Lakeview Canyon Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362-5027
Tel 805 497 5074
Fax 805 497 5050

So one day these two muffins were baking in an oven.  One muffin turned to
the other muffin and said, "Boy it sure is hot in here."  The other muffin
turned to the first muffin and said, "Holy crap!  A talking muffin!" 

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