
I'm just wondering about the h:commandLink. I added my own onclick tag and its working well...

<h:commandLink action="#{formPage.cancel}" onclick="if (!checkFormCancel()) return false" ....

But checking the source code I see the following:

<a href="#" onclick="if (!checkFormCancel()) return false;clear_form();document.forms['form'].elements['autoScroll'].value=getScrolling();document.forms['form'].elements['form:_link_hidden_'].value='form:header:_id7';if(document.forms['form'].onsubmit){document.forms['form'].onsubmit();}document.forms['form'].submit();return false;"
onclick="if (!checkFormCancel()) return false">Cancel</a>

My js command is set before the myfaces java script part, what is correct. But why is there the second tag onclick? Is it a bug?

I'm using the myfaces 1.09 version.

Best Regards

Paul Klaer

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