Hi, I have a problem with the java home configuration when I work with Netbeans 
10 (but I guess that also other versions are affected).

- In my company we still use JDK 8 so I configured the JAVA_HOME system 
variable to point to the JDK 8 folder. This configuration seems correct, I can 
see from the prompt that typing java -version the correct version of java is 
taken in account.

- NetBeans 10 "requires" (prefers) Java 11 so I downloaded the OpenJDK11, 
extracted it on a folder and configured the path on the netbeans.conf file 
(netbeans_jdkhome="D:\java\jdk11") also this configuration seems to be ok.

- One of the maven project on which I'm working (remind we use java 8) has an 
external dependency like this:

  The problem is that ${java.home} is translated using the netbeans_jdkhome 
path and not the system JAVA_HOME variable so it points to jdk 11 and not jdk 8 
and it doesn't find the path. 

In Netbeans Java Platform Manager I have both the java version jdk 8 and jdk 
11(default) but the default version can't be changed.

How can I workaround this limitation so that I can work on the maven project 
using the jdk 8 home?

Kind regards,

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