NB's split pane (mis)behaviors have been bugging me for awhile.  I wonder
if anyone else is seeing this:

I oftentimes need to adjust the split between the editor's tabbed pane and
the tabbed pane for output/usages/....etc.  It's always been a chore just
getting the pointer to be placed just right in order for it to change to
the splitter pinter and let me do the split.  But most recently, after
running NB for awhile, I cannot find the splitter at all :-(  I end up
having restart NB to get it to work again.  Have no idea what's going on.

I'm running NB 8.2 on Mac with JDK 1.8.0_144 using the Darcula L&F (I
didn't switch back to NB L&F, but it seems like the splitter was a bit
wider under it?)  When this happens, I see nothing obvious in the message
log either.

Even if nobody's observed this, does anyone know how to make the splitter a
bit fatter?  Being lazy, I've always had my mouse set to the highest
sensitivity setting, so small mouse movements translate to big pointer

Any info would be appreciated.


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