Is there any way to flush a project from memory without restarting the IDE?

I run into this use case too often, usually when trying to check out some package in a test environment.

The sequence of operations looks something like this (NB 11.3, Win 10, 64 bit).

- Create a PHP NB project.

- Get frustrated with the composer interface.

- Go to the command line, do a "composer require x".

- Go back to NB, note the folders aren't refreshed and there's no way to do a folder refresh from the project root.

- Try running the project, get a error dialog suggesting I open the project problems dialog, so that.

- Get a problems screen with no problems.

- Close the project, go back to the command line, delete nbproject folder.

- Attempt to create new project with existing sources.

- Get told that the project may exist in memory.

- Restart.

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