Maybe adding : 


To your netbeans.conf ?


From: Abossolo Foh Guy <> 
Sent: lundi 27 avril 2020 13:20
Subject: NetBeans utf-8



In ant projects we can set source encoding to utf-8

With gradle projects we can't.

What is the source encoding format used by Netbeans ?

Compile and app works fine, except all french accent disppear when we use 
System.out.printl :

"Without any Gradle option :
Cette URL, donn�e par l'�l�ment img, n'est pas valide !URL must not be empty"

With Gradle option :  compileJava.options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
"Cette URL, donn?e par l'?l?ment img, n'est pas valide !URL must not be empty"

instead of

"Cette URL, donnée par l'élément img, n'est pas valide !URL must not be empty"

Is it related to NETBEANS-2526 
<>  ?


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