If I remember it correctly it did work in NB 8.2 and it is not working now.
For example:
I am defining
Map<String, Double> myMap = new HashMap<>();
Later in the code I am doing
and on the left border clicking on the light bulb and selecting "Assign return 
value to a new variable".
New variable is created, but it is of a type Object not Double
Another  example:
I have a List<String>  dictionary defined.
                In the code I type
                Netbeans give me a list of available methods and I select 
contains method from it.
                It fills it with contains(LOG) where at the top of the class I 
have definition
                private static final Logger LOG = 
                Just few lines above I do have definition of a string I am 
looking for.
It is not a big issue, but just annoying.
I wonder, was it a "new feature" or I am missing something?
How others are dealing with it?

Gary Greenberg
Staff Software Engineer
Data Product Development, BI-A
E: ggree...@visa.com
M: 650-269-7902


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