
I've tried to fix remote debug a raspberry pi with netbeans 13 and jdk 17
which fails because the build script relies on a javascript scriptdef and
javascript engine is not available since jdk 9.

In the remote-platform-impl.xml the failing bit is :
<scriptdef name="addressport" language="javascript">
            <attribute name="address" />
            <attribute name="property" />
           var address = attributes.get("address");

This defines the addressport property and parses for the port number from
the jpda address for feeding the ssh tunnel that connects the remote app
listening debugger to a local port :
<remotetunnel lport="${jpda.port}" lhost="localhost" rport="${jpda.port}"/>

So this basically just parses the port part from the jpda.address property.

I've tried to include a javascript engine, as suggested in this discussion (
with no success, probably due to lack of understanding of the process.
            <classpath path="antjars/bsf.jar"/>
            <classpath path="antjars/commons-logging-1.2.jar"/>
            <classpath path="antjars/org.mozilla.javascript-1.7.2.jar"/>

What would be an appropriate way to fix this script long term ?
- a different approach than scripting  to recover the jpda port  number ?
- is there another scripting engine that is easy (no dependency) to
integrate ? After all we now have jshell

Thank you for your hindshights,

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