I've just spent 3 hours (in vain) to try and get the openoffice.org 2.0.3 running automatically (i.e. without a human present to click on buttons during the first execution, which will take place without a user looking at the screen, but there will be an X DISPLAY available).

I'm using OpenOffice at home to see if it could be used at work to convert .doc to .html files, and so I attempt to check out how this could fit into our configuration management and build systems.

After getting past the hurdles of creating the conversion macro relatively easily (using the export and then the unopkg add --shared), I got to the point where after the first execution (using -invisible) the conversion works standalone.

One would imagine that there is little conceptual difference between a -no_register option and a few X events clicking on accept and don't register buttons, but in reality the difference is massive. I could build an auto-register infernal machine, using a virtual X display and an X client application to generate the mouse movemens and keystroke, but frankly I am too old for that kind of hacks ;-).

I first tried to apply the patch to the Common.xmu file as described in : http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?p=136336

But (according to strace -f -e trace=open) soffice does not read the file described in this post, the only open call matching "Common" is :

[pid 11592] open("/opt/openoffice.org2.0/share/registry/modules/org/openoffice/Office/Common", O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_LARGEFILE|O_DIRECTORY) = 18

Possibly I am doing something wrong, possibly the hack is not compatible with version 2.0.3, and perhaps the Sun Marketing Department is "fighting back" to stop people from using their (admittedly brilliant) product without being asked at least once, individually, if they'd care to register to receive some more email (wishful thinking).

I wish openoffice were available in our organisation (where I currently can't access any Word document without switching from my workstation to a PC next to it), and this simple batch conversion task looks to me the best business case to make it available (whereas trying to convince thousands of daily MS users to switch to Ooffice obviously would not). In fact, introducing technology in a large organisation is always a very sensitive business, that's why I am giving up my weekend to make sure all the time I spend on feasability study doesn't show up as "consuming resources of the organisation".

As I said, I only spent 3 hours on this particular problem, another hour on this mail, and I realize I could spend more time to read all the available openoffice documentation/publications/presentations/discussions (up to a couple of decades at least), but I would really appreciate if somebody from your group could refer me to any kind of useful information to get over this last hurdle.

Thank you.

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