Greetings.  I downloaded the g-zipped tar file for the 3.0 beta 2 and
installed it into my Slackware current (12.1) system.  Was able to
open and modify a couple of text files saved previously under 2.4.1.
But was not able to open spreadsheet files also previously saved under
2.4.1.  The beta 2 seemed unable to recognize the *.ods filetype: I
was presented with the list of possible types, tried OO 1 spreadsheet
and it seemed to try to load it but after a moment simply returned me
to the graphical menu which allowed me to open an existing document or
create a new document.  Tried renaming the file suffix to no avail.  I
had to edit a spreadsheet file so I uninstalled 3.0 beta 2 and
reinstalled 2.4.1, edited the file and am on my way.  Maybe someone
can benefit from this report?


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