These last few days, whenever I open Writer in OOo 3.0 I see a download icon
at the right of the menu bar and the following message (in my translation
from the Swedish) : «Updates available for extensions Click here for more
information.» Sucker that I am, I click on the icon, wherewith the following
message appears : « could not find any web browser on your
system. Check your operating system's settings or install a browser in the
standard catalogue in which settings are made during installation.» This in
64-bit Ubuntu Hardy. I find the message somewhat surprising as no less than
four browsers - Swiftweasel, Firefox, Chromium, and Opera are installed on
this OS. A glance at Synaptic shows that the version of the «ooobasis3.0»
packages I have installed is 3.0.0-9. If after clicking «OK» to remove the
error message, I once again click on the download icon, OOo crashes, and
then asks me if I want to restore the (empty) document on which I was
working. If I attempt to do so, I am informed that the document cannot be
restored, and am then asked if I want to send an error message to Sun. Apart
from this, Writer seems to be working nominally on my box. Any thoughts ?...


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