Re: [Users] Parameter "confirmed-delivery"

2011-07-21 Thread Paul Bagyenda
Hello Deborah,

 When a message is forwarded by Mbuni MMSC over MM4, we can ask the receiving 
server to send back an Ack when the message is delivered to the final receiving 
server. This is the purpose of this flag. In this case a DLR Ack is sent back 
to us so that we do not retry sending the message.


On Jul 21, 2011, at 02:18, Deborah Pisani wrote:

> Hello,
> May someone please explain the expected function of the parameter 
> “confirmed-delivery” (defined as part of the MM4 configuration under the 
> “group = mmsproxy” within the Mbuni MMSC configuration file) as this is not 
> clear enough from the description provided in the Mbuni User Guide?
> Thank you.
> Best Regards,
> Deborah and Andrew
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[Users] Parameter "confirmed-delivery"

2011-07-20 Thread Deborah Pisani


May someone please explain the expected function of the parameter
"confirmed-delivery" (defined as part of the MM4 configuration under the
"group = mmsproxy" within the Mbuni MMSC configuration file) as this is
not clear enough from the description provided in the Mbuni User Guide?


Thank you.



Best Regards,



Deborah and Andrew


Users mailing list

[Users] Parameter "confirmed-delivery"

2011-07-18 Thread Deborah Pisani


May someone please explain the expected function of the parameter
"confirmed-delivery" (defined as part of the MM4 configuration under the
"group = mmsproxy" within the Mbuni MMSC configuration file) as this is
not clear enough from the description provided in the Mbuni User Guide?


Thank you.



Best Regards,



Deborah and Andrew



Users mailing list

[Users] Parameter "confirmed-delivery"

2011-07-18 Thread Deborah Pisani


May someone please explain the expected function of the parameter
"confirmed-delivery" (defined as part of the MM4 configuration under the
"group = mmsproxy") as this is not clear enough from the description
provided in the Mbuni User Guide?


Thank you.



Best Regards,



Deborah and Andrew


Users mailing list