[Users] Vas gateway

2012-01-25 Thread denilson silva

Hi. I'm trying to configure a vas gateway with mbuni. I have access to an MMSC, 
and i want to connect to this MMSC, send and receive MMS with Mbuni through 
this MMSC.
Could you please tell me what i need to do to have this working? I already 
tried to configure this, but i need to know how to check the connection with 
the MMSC, if it is ok.
And i need to know how to send and receive mms. I already read the 
documentation, but i was not fully clarified.

I will greatly appreciate some help from you.

Denilson Silva
Users mailing list

[Users] VAS Gateway wtih GPRS Modem (MM1)

2009-08-06 Thread Juan Camilo Tamayo
Hello, my name is Juan and I am new to Mbuni. I have been trying to set up a
VAS gateway with a WAVECOM GPRS Modem to send MMS from my server using MM1
and not MM7.

I am able to send sms via kannel with the same modem. and I am also able to
set up a pppd session and connect to the Internet using the Modem.

Could you please explain to me what is the process flow to set this task up
and running (set a VAS gw with a GPRS Modem).?

Here is te mbunivasp.conf file I am using.


group = core
log-file = /var/log/mbuni/mmsbox.log
access-log = /var/log/mbuni/mmsbox-access.log
log-level = 10

group = mbuni
storage-directory = /var/spool/mbuni
max-send-threads = 5
maximum-send-attempts = 50
default-message-expiry = 36
queue-run-interval = 5
send-attempt-back-off = 300
sendmms-port = 10001
sendsms-url = http://localhost:13003/cgi-bin/sendsms
sendsms-username = sms
sendsms-password = sms123

#group = mmsc
#id = local
#mmsc-url = http://mbuni:t...@localhost:1982/soap
#incoming-username = user
#incoming-password = pass
#incoming-port = 12345
#type = soap

# Sample conf for MMSBox using a modem (MM1)
group = mmsc
id = modem
type = custom
custom-settings = "smsc-on=lynx -dump '
mmsc-library = /usr/local/lib/libmmsbox_mm1.so

#group = mms-service
#name = me
#post-url = http://localhost/~bagyenda/test-mbuni.php
#catch-all = true
#http-post-parameters = fx=true&images[]=%i&text[]=%t&skip=1
#accept-x-mbuni-headers = true
#pass-thro-headers = X-NOKIA-MMSC-Charging,X-NOKIA-MMSC-Charged-Party
#keyword = test
#omit-empty = no
#suppress-reply = true
#service-code = regular

#group = mms-service
#name = fullmessage
#get-url = http://localhost/images/apache_pb.gif
# http-post-parameters = fx=true&image=%i&text=%t
#accept-x-mbuni-headers = true
#keyword = thixs

group = send-mms-user
username = tester
password = foobar
faked-sender = 100

Thanks in advance for any guidance you may provide.
Best Regards!!.
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] VAS Gateway Conceptual question

2007-06-11 Thread P. A. Bagyenda
You would indeed have to rely on the logs, or you could create a web  
page that first receives the message, logs it, then passes it on to  
another URL...

On Jun 11, 2007, at 13:54, Sérgio Bernardo wrote:


Thank you for the answer.

The problem with your suggestion is that I intend do use the  
keyword functionality, by selecting the treatment for each MM based  
on the first word of the textual part of the MM received. In some  
occasions, the MM will be resent directly to outside partner's URL.  
I Don't want to develop a MM keyword interpreter myself if the  
Gateway has one with all I need :-)
Can I do a specific treatment (based on keyword) and continue be  
able to call a generic URL to register each transaction?

Suppose I will have to rely on the logs :-(

Sérgio Bernardo
Chief Technology Officer

On 6/8/07, P. A. Bagyenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If you are going to connect directly to the operator MMSC, then all
you will receive the MM and be able to hand them over to a URL. The
URL can do whatever you want, prior to returning a response (which is
then sent back to the operator MMSC).
On Jun 08, 2007, at 17:07, Sérgio Bernardo wrote:

> Hi
> I'm new to Mbuni, in fact, I'm still in the conceptual evaluation.
> But I believe MBuni is what I need :-)
> Congratulations to the developers! As far as I can see, that's a
> very well structured software!
> And now a simple question...
> I'm planing to use tha VAS gateway to connect directly to mobile
> operators. Still on negotiations, but all o them will connect to me
> directly via MM7 protocol.
> The VAS gateway gives me all I need, except for an indexed
> database / backoffice where the help-desk will locate and solve
> client and operator specific situations and where monthly reports
> will be downloaded.
> Where can I connect the VAS gateway to the database? On the MMSC I
> have some points where I can insert my own scripts in the
> transactions, but can't see how to do that in the VAS gateway.
> One whay to do that is to write the log's to a pipe and use that
> information with an application of my own, but I suppose there is a
> better way to do this... is there?
> Thank you.
> --
> Sérgio Bernardo
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@mbuni.org
> http://lists.mbuni.org/mailman/listinfo/users

Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] VAS Gateway Conceptual question

2007-06-11 Thread Sérgio Bernardo


Thank you for the answer.

The problem with your suggestion is that I intend do use the keyword
functionality, by selecting the treatment for each MM based on the first
word of the textual part of the MM received. In some occasions, the MM will
be resent directly to outside partner's URL. I Don't want to develop a MM
keyword interpreter myself if the Gateway has one with all I need :-)
Can I do a specific treatment (based on keyword) and continue be able to
call a generic URL to register each transaction?
Suppose I will have to rely on the logs :-(

Sérgio Bernardo
Chief Technology Officer

On 6/8/07, P. A. Bagyenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you are going to connect directly to the operator MMSC, then all
you will receive the MM and be able to hand them over to a URL. The
URL can do whatever you want, prior to returning a response (which is
then sent back to the operator MMSC).
On Jun 08, 2007, at 17:07, Sérgio Bernardo wrote:

> Hi
> I'm new to Mbuni, in fact, I'm still in the conceptual evaluation.
> But I believe MBuni is what I need :-)
> Congratulations to the developers! As far as I can see, that's a
> very well structured software!
> And now a simple question...
> I'm planing to use tha VAS gateway to connect directly to mobile
> operators. Still on negotiations, but all o them will connect to me
> directly via MM7 protocol.
> The VAS gateway gives me all I need, except for an indexed
> database / backoffice where the help-desk will locate and solve
> client and operator specific situations and where monthly reports
> will be downloaded.
> Where can I connect the VAS gateway to the database? On the MMSC I
> have some points where I can insert my own scripts in the
> transactions, but can't see how to do that in the VAS gateway.
> One whay to do that is to write the log's to a pipe and use that
> information with an application of my own, but I suppose there is a
> better way to do this... is there?
> Thank you.
> --
> Sérgio Bernardo
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@mbuni.org
> http://lists.mbuni.org/mailman/listinfo/users

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] VAS Gateway Conceptual question

2007-06-08 Thread P. A. Bagyenda
If you are going to connect directly to the operator MMSC, then all  
you will receive the MM and be able to hand them over to a URL. The  
URL can do whatever you want, prior to returning a response (which is  
then sent back to the operator MMSC).

On Jun 08, 2007, at 17:07, Sérgio Bernardo wrote:

I'm new to Mbuni, in fact, I'm still in the conceptual evaluation.  
But I believe MBuni is what I need :-)
Congratulations to the developers! As far as I can see, that's a  
very well structured software!

And now a simple question...

I'm planing to use tha VAS gateway to connect directly to mobile  
operators. Still on negotiations, but all o them will connect to me  
directly via MM7 protocol.
The VAS gateway gives me all I need, except for an indexed  
database / backoffice where the help-desk will locate and solve  
client and operator specific situations and where monthly reports  
will be downloaded.

Where can I connect the VAS gateway to the database? On the MMSC I  
have some points where I can insert my own scripts in the  
transactions, but can't see how to do that in the VAS gateway.

One whay to do that is to write the log's to a pipe and use that  
information with an application of my own, but I suppose there is a  
better way to do this... is there?

Thank you.

Sérgio Bernardo
Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[Users] VAS Gateway Conceptual question

2007-06-08 Thread Sérgio Bernardo

I'm new to Mbuni, in fact, I'm still in the conceptual evaluation. But I
believe MBuni is what I need :-)
Congratulations to the developers! As far as I can see, that's a very well
structured software!

And now a simple question...

I'm planing to use tha VAS gateway to connect directly to mobile operators.
Still on negotiations, but all o them will connect to me directly via MM7
The VAS gateway gives me all I need, except for an indexed database /
backoffice where the help-desk will locate and solve client and operator
specific situations and where monthly reports will be downloaded.

Where can I connect the VAS gateway to the database? On the MMSC I have some
points where I can insert my own scripts in the transactions, but can't see
how to do that in the VAS gateway.

One whay to do that is to write the log's to a pipe and use that information
with an application of my own, but I suppose there is a better way to do
this... is there?

Thank you.

Sérgio Bernardo
Users mailing list