LaurentiuP, Jefro, Richard, Bruce, Michael, Ross, Mark, Sean, Jeff, Tom, 
Darren, Gilbert, Denys, Jessica, ScottR, Saul, Paul, Jim, Ciby, Alex, Song
Gilbert is from mentor Graphics, working with Sean.
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* 1.3 M1 release readiness - 10 min (community)
  - The community agreed on releasing M1 RC1. For details, please see: 
* 1.2.1 update - 5 min (ScottG)
  - Ross did a fix for 1.2.1, Saul is going to pull and merge. We will have a 
build this week.
* 1.1.2 update - 5 min (Josh/Beth)
  - Beth did a rebuild, the build is ready for QA to test.
  - QA is busy with 1.2 meta-intel BSP testing now. Will complete in a couple 
more days.
* Yocto 1.3 status  - 10 min (Song/team)
  - Reviewed all P1 items left on 'scheduled' stage. 
  - Actions:
    1) Darren/Bruce will get back to Song on 1649 and 1919. They may have to be 
    2) 2390/2401: development completed, waiting for Juno release.
    3) Song to follow up on all other P1's still in 'scheduled' stage for M2.
* SWAT team rotation: Nitin -> Beth
* Opens - 5 min
  - None
* Team sharing - 20 min
  Mark: working on ability to generate SDK/tool chain based on an image. Will 
have preliminary patches out to oe-core mailing list sometime this week.
  LaurentiuP: Working on 1.3 items. Has discussion on Bjorn last week, will 
follow up with him offline. 
  Michael: last week worked on testopia, release training with Beth, package 
reporting system, more autobuilder setup. Had some downtime on, worked to restore, will monitor it more closely. This coming 
week will be on bugzilla stats. 
  Jim: we have design update for web hob. Screen cast, PDF, etc. more feedback 
is appreciated. The URL is in the mailing list (last Friday).
  Darren: working on building kernel modules on target. Running into some issue 
(Post install scripts?), any idea or thoughts, let me know. The issue is bug 
1614 in Bugzilla.

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