Hello All,

This is the full report for 2.7 M1 RC1:


======= Summary ========

All planned tests were executed.

Total Test Executed - 3659

Passed Test - 3638

Failed Test - 18

Blocked Test - 3

There were zero high milestone defect.  Team had found 3 new defects coming 
from Toaster [1] [2] [3].

For ptest, team had confirmed that there was no tests which passed in 2.6 M4 
rc1 while failed in current 2.7 M1 rc1, but team had found that the 
qa-tools/ptest-parser script used to generate comparison table was not working 
as expected (ticket created to fix this).

For CROPS manual testing, team was able to execute CROPS testing automatically 
by utilizing the enhancement from testimage that enable qemu slirp to run eSDK 
automated tests for CROPS.  Propose to remove manual crops testcases inside 
oeqa/manual directory.

======= QA-Hints========

No high milestone defect.

======= Bugs ========

New Bugs

[1] Bug 13102 - [Bug][QA 2.7 M1 rc1][Toaster] All layers are not getting 
populated after clicking "View compatible layers" on project page


[2] Bug 13103 - [Bug][QA 2.7 M1 rc1][Toaster] "Recipes" table  and  "machines" 
table are not getting populated after clicking on imported layer as well as 
after clicking Machines Tab on project page


[3] Bug 13104 - [Bug][QA 2.7 M1 rc1][Toaster] All "Image Recipes" are not 
getting populated after clicking  "Image Recipes"  on project page



Ee Peng

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