Hi everyone - I just wanted to let everyone know our upcoming
conference schedule.

LinuxCon Japan, Yokohama JP, June 6-8 - Saul Wold will be talking
about Yocto on Thurs, June 7

OSCON, Portland OR, July 16-20 - I will be giving a talk on the Yocto
Project on July 19

LinuxCon, San Diego, CA - CFP ends on June 1, so get those talks in!

LinuxCon Europe / Embedded Linux Conference Europe, Nov 5-7, Barcelona
SP - CFP ends Aug 1

If you plan to submit a talk about the Yocto Project to these or any
other conferences, please let me know so I can keep track.

thanks & hope to see you there

Jeff Osier-Mixon http://jefro.net/blog
Yocto Project Community Manager @Intel http://yoctoproject.org
yocto mailing list

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