I simply build them up the conventional way using
duct tape.


--- "L. Hunter Kevil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've recently discovered that practice with a 7
> iron with a 3/8" solid
> steel shaft is doing wonders correcting my big
> swing flaw: an initial
> over-the-top first move down accompanied by an
> early release.
> The club I am using is really kluged - the
> failing is in the grip
> area. There must be some really good ways to
> build up the butt end so
> that a conventional grip will fit well.
> Thanks for any suggestions from the creative
> Shop-Talkers.
> Hunter
> L. H. Kevil

Carl Mc Kinley Retired,
PCS Certified Class 'A' Clubmaker (Life Member)
GCA Accredited Clubbuilder

P T Barnum is the patron saint of expensive club manufacturers.

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