If you are working at a range with mats a simple thing that has helped me is to take some children's sidewalk chalk and draw the path you want your club to follow. The idea is your subconscious sees the path and swings the club along it.


On 6-May-06, at 1:51 PM, Jen Kuntz wrote:

Hey gang,

I've been fighting an out to in swing path for a little over a year now and having trouble with ways to practise to get rid of it. I tried the "inside approach" thing this winter and it was ok but I don't want to buy one. I've also tried just using a couple sticks/shafts parallel to the swing path on the ground and trying to not hit them. I find I keep hitting the damn inside stick and it just reinforces the problem instead of helping me work through it.

Anyone have any drills they've tried that worked for them to get rid of this?

Thanks in advance,

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