I notice a number of press reports referring to "Monty's meltdown" ---Simply not the case-- he attempted to play the only shot that at the time would have given him a chance of victory: He had to fire at the pin to try for birdie a very difficult shot at the best of times He was not aware of what Phil was doing or going to do otherwise he would have played for the centre of the green ,made par and lifted his first ''major'' .
Hindsight is 22/20 vision   thats golf.

Dave Tutelman wrote:
At 10:43 PM 6/18/2006, Chris Stricker wrote:
Ogilvie hit the clutch shots down the stretch that he needed to. He's not one of my favorites, but one has to be pleased with the way that he played.

He shook off two bad breaks on #18 to tough out a par. He earned it as much as the others blew it.

Mickelson proved to be a major choker. Need a par on the 72nd hole and pull a driver. The club that allowed you to hit 2 fairways all day. Good move!!

I was amazed that nobody in the TV booth mentioned Van De Velde. It sure made that impression on me.

Did I mention that I thought the New York fans made asses of themselves??

Looking over my article from Bethpage 2002 (which I just cited), I realize that the NY crowd was a lot less civil this year. I wonder what is causing this breakdown.


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