So, Jen, doing anything later?

Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 13:47:57 -0400
Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Is it possible to hate a club?


With all due respect Robert I think you are missing the point.  The
thread was not about a question, although it was worded in such a
form.  It was a discussion about lob wedges & other clubs and the
merits of them and not something where there is a right or wrong
position or something needing justification.

Aside from a few stray bullets back and forth I think the discussion
has been interesting when the forum is otherwise a bit slow on

I, for one, enjoy some of this banter and having been on this mailing
list off and on since about 1997/98, I know some of the excess banter
annoys the heck out of a lot of people.  If Shoptalk was a forum, a lot
of this stuff would be filed under "off topic" and those not interested
would avoid it.  With this format, we all get every bit of it, both
good and bad and we need to use the delete key regularly if a
particular topic is annoying us!


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