I have added a mailing list capability to my web site. I intend to announce updates and new articles via the list. Anything of general interest to members of:
will be posted to those groups, even without the mailing list.

The first two will be informed about articles on clubfitting, golf physics and technology.

RSG-Ohio will be informed about general golf articles and, of course, writeups of RSG events.

If you want to receive all golf updates by being on my mailing list, you can sign up for the golf mailing list at <>

A few caveats:

(1) The code has been tested with small test cases. I have not done any large emailings yet. Also, while I tried to test error conditions, you never know what a REAL user is going to do. I have no reason to believe it won't work, but those of you in the software business know what that means. :P Anyway, if something doesn't work, please let me know. The "Contact Us" mailform works just fine to mail bug reports to me.

(2) This is not a forum nor a discussion group. I send mail to the list. Members don't send mail to one another via the list. Sorry, but that's a much bigger piece of software. It would also require much more administration before I have managed to lock out all the spammers and hackers, and don't have to clean up their droppings once a day. (Don't ask me how I know this. You don't want to hear.)


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