hi dear all,

i am doing a FC run over a system with 189 atoms in the unit cell (formed by
making use of Supercell).

but i got the error.....probably bcoz of memory?

can anybody help me.?

last part of my output file is:

siesta:                 ==============================
                            Begin FC step =      0
                            Undisplaced coordinates

superc: Internal auxiliary supercell:     2 x     2 x     2  =       8
superc: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors:   1512 17928 22680

outcell: Unit cell vectors (Ang):
       15.510000    0.000000    0.000000
       10.062640   11.802645    0.000000
       10.062640    4.643694   10.850486

outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :   15.510000   15.509969   15.509792
outcell: Cell angles (23,13,12) (deg):     49.5514     49.5494     49.5499
outcell: Cell volume (Ang**3)        :   1986.2793

InitMesh: MESH =   192 x   192 x   192 =     7077888
InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =   500.000   553.018 Ry

* Maximum dynamic memory allocated =   880 MB
*Cannot do O(N) with k-points.*
Stopping Program from Node:    0
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV,* segmentation fault occurred*
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
*libc.so.6*          00007FDBED094A04  Unknown               Unknown
siesta             00000000006E37B3  Unknown                    Unknown
siesta             0000000000629ACF  Unknown                   Unknown
siesta             000000000056DC54  Unknown                   Unknown
siesta             000000000052930E  Unknown                    Unknown
siesta             0000000000403B7C  Unknown                   Unknown
libc.so.6          00007FDBED036586  Unknown                Unknown  Unknown
*siesta             0000000000403A79  Unknown                   Unknown


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