i am intrested on this subject
>InitSpinAf only sets every second atom spin up, and every other second spin 
this is true to configurate the hole system as antiferromagnetic.

now for exemple i have one system with two atom, one antiferromagnetic and one 
nonmagnetic (for example FeRh), 

Fe up
Fe down
Rh nonmagnetic

how to fix magnetization in this case?

Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 08:56:19 +0200
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] 4zGNR

InitSpinAf only sets every second atom spin up, and every other second spin 
down. So maybe it depended on your sorting?

2014-06-24 3:16 GMT+02:00 Francisco Wellery Nunes Silva <>:

Hi Nick,
Thanks a lot for you advice, your sugestion realy works, and I had forgot about 
such possibility, the curious thing is, if I perform a calculation for a bigger 
zGNR such as 6-zGNR by setting the flag "DM.InitSpinAF .true." and let it 
relaxing I will get the expected result for the band structure without building 
the block "DM.InitSpin". It should be probably due the narrowness of the 
ribbon, and the opposite edges could be interacting, once it is known the the 
spin polarization in zGNR is width dependent.

2014-06-23 16:41 GMT-04:00 Nick Papior Andersen <>:

If I recall correctly then spin polarized in siesta means that it initializes a 
ferromagnetic state, you need to initialize the spins to be anti-ferromagnetic, 
see DM.Initspin in the manual.

2014-06-23 19:18 GMT+00:00 Francisco Wellery Nunes Silva 

Dear SIESTA Users,

I'm trying to compute the band structure of a 4-zGNR, using GGA-PBE as exchange 
functional, however at the end I got a FM ground state, in which I see no band 
gap in the plot. Since such result is unexpected does someone could explain me 
why this is happening???

I've attached my fdf and XV files (with relaxed positions) for better 
understanding of my question.

Thanks for your time and attention,

Francisco Wellery Nunes Silva.
Skype >> silvafwn
Ph.D. student at,
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC),

Block 928, Ground Floor, Room -- 02
Caixa Postal 6030 ( Mail-Box  6030 )
C.E.P -- 60.455-900 
Fortaleza - Ceará – Brasil

Kind regards Nick


Francisco Wellery Nunes Silva.

Skype >> silvafwn

Ph.D. student at,
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC),
Block 928, Ground Floor, Room -- 02
Caixa Postal 6030 ( Mail-Box  6030 )
C.E.P -- 60.455-900 
Fortaleza - Ceará – Brasil


Kind regards Nick

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