This extract is from the 'Terms & Condition's page at

"d. After expiry of any free periods provided by MYOB, MYOB will offer
you the ability to enter into a further contract for the services
(subject to MYOB continuing to provide the services beyond the initial
applicable free period and MYOB’s terms and conditions). MYOB is
responsible for notifying you of any renewal fees that apply after the
expiry of the relevant free periods and the consequences of non-

e. Google is not responsible for registering your domain name,
creating your website, hosting your website or ensuring the
continuance of the domain name in your name.

f. Your agreement with MYOB for the services they will provide is
bound by their terms and conditions which can be found here: and";

So it appears that Google do not want to be held responsible for the
offer or client relationship with MYOB. Hmm...

You would certainly want to know what you are or are not entitled to
do with what you deem to be 'your' web site after the free period.  I
am yet to find any indication of the ongoing fees associated with
"entering into a further contract" after the free period and I would
hate to see a small business invest a lot of time (the real cost of a
successful web presence), only to be in a situation where the contract
to continue the site is less than desirable.


Ryan McKeown

On Mar 2, 1:41 pm, Silvia Pfeiffer <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I just came across this activity by Google and 
> MYOB: thought it relevant to us
> here.
> They are offering a free website for 1 year, a free domain for
> 2 years and $75 free adwords.
> I've seen many small businesses - coffee shops etc - not being online
> and that's a real problem nowadays.
> I'm not sure what happens at the end of that year - I'm not sure who
> is the hosting provider and would then ask for money - might be
> something to find out before signing up. But it's sure nice to see
> somebody help all business to get started with an online presence.
> Cheers,
> Silvia.

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