On Monday 24 Nov 2008 1:31:17 pm Charles Haynes wrote:
> Questioning virtue is not the same as accusing them of vice. More formally,

But accusing people of vice when one speaks of virtues is a subtle reminder 
that one is not interested in talking about virtures but would rather harp 
about the vices, which is the sort of political game that is played in India 
with Brahmins and Muslims.

I am not saying you are doing that, but I am saying that this is the treatment 
that Brahmins are being subtly subjected to in some circles in India. 

I predict that this will lead to one or many interesting side effects - 
inculding an outside chance of a political Brahmin-Muslim alliance in India. 
I will leave that aside for now

> Do Brahmins in general have more of a sense of duty, more integrity,
> and less greed than other people? Hard to say, and it hardly matters
> unless one is trying to propose Bramin versus non-Brahmin as a basis
> for discriminating between classes of people or as a measure of
> someone's worth.

I am saying that  Brahmins have a high degree of childhood inculcation in 
honesty and integrity.

I am not saying Y is worse than X, or X is better than Y

I am only saying X is good. Claiming a virtue is not the same as denouincing 
others as lacking that virtue.


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