On Tuesday 25 Nov 2008 11:13:36 am Charles Haynes wrote:
> So you don't want untouchables converting to Buddism because you want
> them to fight and kill Islam?

I did not say that. I do not find people untouchable, I have not said that I 
want to stop "untouchable" people from converting to Buddhism.

This is precisely the sort of clever use of words that is employed by 
proselytizing groups to set their agenda.

All Brahmins and all Hindus also should not be insidiously clubbed into a 
group that have to be conned into a sideways admission of believing 
in "untouchability" by asking them if they do not want "untouchables' to 
convert to Buddhism. 

This is a mind numbingly stupid and obvious use of the "Have you stopped 
beating your wife" tactic where any answer is an admission of guiilt. 

It is also typical of the language used by groups that are guilty of 
constantly smearing Hindus, particularly Brahmins. You have used prexcisely 
that language on two ocasions here and I thank you for providing me with 
ammunition that I will use elsewhere.  You may choose to deny that you have 
done anything of the sort, but that would be par for the course for what is 
done by proselytizing evangelist spokespersons. 

Maybe you did not "intend" to use such language but even if you did that 
unintentionally it is an indicator of how opinions of seemingly innocent and 
neutral people (such as you might possibly be) have been moulded to view all 
Hindus and all "forward caste Hindus" specifically as an odious bigoted 

One of the points I have been trying to make is that it is not a Brahmin 
characteritic to 'fight" this sort of language or allegation, or even get 
into a physical fight. However, as Brahmins get sidelined by unrelenting 
pressure from others, supported ably by evangelists and Islamic scholars (for 
their own less than innocent reasons) you will find that the Hindu that the 
Brahmin is being replaced with will have fewer qualms about hitting back at 
those who question him or doubt him.

But that is a self goal that has been set up by those who choose to smear one 
group of Hindus in their eagerness to show how unbiased they are themselves.

It won't affect me, and i won't fight it :) 


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