Srini RamaKrishnan wrote, [on 3/2/2010 1:29 AM]:

> Countries that can't take honest criticism and have a deluded self
> image are a threat to the rest of the world - India, USA and China are
> in their own ways headed down this path. That is not to say other
> countries aren't similarly headed, but these are by far the most
> significant. The USA is attempting a reversal under Obama's care. The
> world if not China has started to realize there is a problem with
> China's attitude and management, but in India's case the problem isn't
> even being talked about.

Will need to think more about this, but broadly agree. However, it might
just be that India's brand of democracy is one mitigating factor to the
trend you speak of. I think Salil (among others) has written in detail
on this.

> Sainath speaks loudly, but too little, IMO, this merits more.

I have an allergic reaction to Sainath. He practices what one might term
'argument by vigorous assertion' (along with most people in politics,
but I digress). This is even if one ignores the inconsistencies and
obvious omissions in his argument.

((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ ((

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